Mrs Rutiana Dwi Wahyunengseh is both an academic and a practitioner. She has more than 15 years of experience in academia and government, including ten years of advisory/consulting for local governments such as Surakarta and Magelang. She holds a doctorate in Management and Public Policy from Universitas Gadjah Mada.
Her research covers some topics, including management and public policy, poverty issues, and regional development policy. Align with her research focuses, she also makes a book about poverty alleviation policy entitled “Kebijakan Penanggulangan Kemiskinan Dalam Perspektif Collaborative Governance.”, the book explores poverty alleviation and reduction policy based on a collaborative governance perspective.
She teaches several courses in classes: introduction to public administration, policy implementation and evaluation, issues and policy in regional autonomy, rural development policy, local government poverty alleviation policy, and policy communication and advocacy. Her academic and practical experiences help her integrate theory and practice during her classes. The findings that she got while researching issues or consulting the government illustrate the policy issues and problems so that students will be more related to the courses that are being taught.
Since 2016, she is also been a member of the Indonesian Association for Public Administration.