Ismi Dwi Astuti Nurhaeni is the Professor in Public Administration at Public Administration Department of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of UNS (Universitas Sebelas Maret), Surakarta Indonesia. She achieved her bachelor degree in Public Administration in 1985 from Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of Universitas Sebelas Maret where she is becoming the Dean at present. In Gajah Mada University, Yogyakarta she accomplished her master program in 1995 and doctoral program in 2008 with cum laude majoring in the same field of study. Within less than 3 years Ismi was then inaugurated as Professor in Public Administration in 2011.
The highly energetic woman who began her career in UNS since 1986, is very passionate in gender and public policies. She was ever awarded a five-month course on gender and development in Leiden Universiteit, the Netherlands in 1992. Moreover, Ismi has numerous experiences of being the member and head of organizations since 2000, such as the Head of Center for Gender Research and Development at Community Service Institution of UNS until 2014. Simultaneously in 2014 she was elected the Vice-Dean of Academic Affairs for merely one year since she was then elected the dean.
In addition, she is also the member of National Experts Team of Gender Mainstreaming in the Ministry of Education and Culture – Republic of Indonesia – Jakarta since 2002, a Supervisor on Gender Budgeting Implementation in Central Java Province since 2009, Gender Specialist in Gender Mainstreaming Evaluation of Education, a program developed and supported by ADB (Asian Development Bank) in 2012, Senior consultant for gender stocktaking supported by the World Bank in 2012-2013, Gender Specialist in PEACH-Gender Budgeting Workshop in Sulawesi, Papua and East Java Provinces – supported by the World Bank in 2012-2013, Coordinator of Individual Consultant for Gender Budgeting Workshop in East Nusa Tenggara, West Nusa Tenggara, Papua and East Java Provinces supported by AIPD (Australia Indonesia Partnership for Decentralization) in 2014, and a consultant for Training on Gender Equality on Poverty Reduction and Social Protection on May 18-20, 2015 in Jakarta.
Since 2018 she became a gender expert in the Ministry of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia. In research she has been conducting many dealing with gender issues and public policies either as chair person or member such as The Development of Standard Model of Gender-Responsive Education Management to Prevent ICT-Based Sexual Violence (2018-2020), Developing Gender Responsive School (2016-2017), Reformation of Women Empowerment Policy in Developing Environment-based Tourism in The Area of Mount Lawu, (2014-2016), and many others.
Ismi also actively participated in becoming speaker for academic events such as workshops, seminars and conferences, and also visiting scholar to Warren Wilson College, North Carolina, US in 2016 and 2017, Belmont University, Nashville, US (2017), and NSYU (National Sun Yat-Sen University) Taiwan (2018). In addition, she has a large number of publications (books, modules, journal articles and proceedings), such as Designing Gender-Responsive School (2018), The Technical Guidance for Gender Analysis Pathways and Gender Budget Statement (2014), etc.